Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Walks with Jake

Have started sketching during my morning walks with Jake, our 12 year old shetland sheep dog. Did this a number of years ago on a previous blog and enjoyed the results. It gives us both a break and made sure I find time to sketch each day. We are fortunate to live in a suburban area that has wooded walking paths and ponds. Here are my pages for May 27, 28, 29 & 31.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Peppers at Midnight

This one was a surprise. The grays I used for the colander just sat there. I liked the abstract shapes of the peppers and their shadows on the curved surface. I thought about using a red wash, vetoed that and tried yellow on on section which I quickly wiped off. Then turn to the tried and true blue for pushing things to the background. I was the best color choice but I probably should have not gone so dark. Hence the name. This one is an acrylic on a 5x7 inch panel.  It has a completely different look from anything I have done so far.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Peppers in a Jar

I started a small series of mini peppers paintings in acrylic. Don't expect any great masterpieces out of this group but more of a continued learning experience with acrylics. I was pleased with the peppers but the glass jar not so much. Glass has a steep learning curve that I am still climbing.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Two crinkle starts

Starting painting stages alway look awkward and disappointing to people unless you are an artist. Then you see the potential just like watching a child develop.

The top one is based on a painting I just finished, "Pine Falls". I thought it would be interesting to see how two paintings that begin with different techniques but the same vision would end up.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pine Falls

I am always delighted at how mounting a Chinese Brush Painting always pops the colors. And getting rid of the waves and wrinkles cased by painting on rice paper really allows you to see the painting you originally envisioned.

Monday, May 9, 2016


Last week I mounted 4 paintings, two complete and two crinkle starts. Nesting was one of the completed ones. Yes, I decided not to add a single thing (ie leaves) and call it done. It is waiting to be signed and a chop added.