Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter Chick

When I was young it wasn't unusual for parents to give their children live baby chicks, ducks, or bunnies for Easter. Why, I am not sure. The kids got tired of taking care of them within a week which meant the parents were stuck with the chore. When they got tired of the job and if the animal hadn't died yet they had to find a place to dump the innocent little creatures.

The feathers were the easiest part of this painting. The legs and feet were very hard. If I ever want to get this correct I will need to paint a whole farmyard full of chicks. Not seeing that happening.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sweet Peas

This seems like sweet peas would be simple but I found 
it a difficult subject. Perhaps because I am not that familiar 
with the plant. The finished image is 9.25 x 6 inches 
on Arches hot press 300 g/m (140 lb) watercolor paper.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Spring Bouquet 1

This was my last watercolor painting done in March. 
I had set myself a goal of twelve watercolors 
for the year, averaging one a month. But since 
I got behind, painted three little florals in March.

Thought that this little painting would work better as a card. 
So I turned it into a 5.5 inch square card to give 
to someone special. Can't say who, 
that would ruin the surprise.