Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pine Falls

Started an oriental brush painting yesterday. It is always fun and a bit exciting to start a new painting. Not sure where this one is going but I am sure it will tell me in the days ahead.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Snowy Hill, final

Put in the middle ground, worked on the shadows, and corrected to brown leaves in the tree. Watercolor on Arches cold press watercolor block, 9"x 12".

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hang in there

Last week I forgot to pack the snow pics I had taken for my Wednesday group. Luckily I found one of the tea cup set ups so the morning wasn't a waste.  Then I forgot to post the small painting. Probably because I really didn't like the results. I can't paint the detail that the delicate tea cups require on paper this rough. I know it is suppose to be cold press but it seems a bit rough for that finish. Anyway enough excuses this is my final go at the teacups for now. The first photo is where I ended on Wednesday. When I got home I decided to put in a neutral background. Then I went darker and the second photo was the end result.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Snowy Hill, beginning

This is the beginning of my first snow painting of the year. It is out our side yard into the county tree reserve. It need dome darker darks and a mid-ground but you have to start somewhere. Watercolor on Arches cold press watercolor block, 9"x 12".

Friday, February 12, 2016

more cards

I have been doing a bit of painting but most making cards, bereavement, thank you, Valentine's Day, birthday, and get well soon. Actually there were more and I liked them better but they are on there way to friends and family.