Thursday, April 28, 2016

Nesting (complete?)

I have the last version up on an easel in my studio trying to decide if I want to add a few leaves to the tree or not. I am leaning to  wet mounting it just the way it is. Although I went to my critique group yesterday and got the recommendation to add a canopy and some more leaves on the lower branches. My problem is I like it and am afraid to fool with it and mess up what I have.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sunflowers, finished and signed

I finished this one this afternoon. I grayed and lightened the blue sky, added some texture and shading to the petals, put some pollen on the centers and signed. I don't like the signing part, never have. To me is detracts from the painting. In fact,  most of my paintings remained unsigned. But buyers like signatures. Now I just need to let this one sit for a couple of days to be sure it is completely dry then varnish the painting. 

An order of three frames ( one 6x12 and two 6x6) came in yesterday. I am very pleased with them. So pleased that I ordered 3 more today. Two are for paintings I have finished and the other four are for ones to come. What can I say, there was a sale.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Sunflower painting almost finished. Might lighten the blue sky.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


The beginning of a sunflower 5" x 7" acrylic painting.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nesting stage 1

Have been watching the Eagle cam and got inspired to do a new pair of eagles building their nest. I understand that they mate for life and go back to the same nest every year. It has been fun watching the eaglets hatch and grow.

Pine Falls

I finished painting this one couple of weeks ago but forgot to take a photo. It hasn't been mounted yet. The style is a bit more simple than what I usually do.