Yet another book I had to repost because this blog host felt it was objectionable and without explanation removed one day then rated as OK the next. Again go figure.
This book was made February 10-12, 2021. The purpose of a Pack Rat journal is to use all those special items, one-of-a-kind papers, things you have been saving. Mine isn't quite that special but I have never made a journal/book using this cover construction technique. The cover front, back, and spine are one continuous piece of upholstery fabric to which I glued the front and back cover of a deconstructed book. The signatures are sewn directly through the spine after gluing a piece of suede cloth over the inside of the spine area to beef it up a bit. The dimensions are: Spine 1.25", covers 7.75 x 5.25 ( the hardback book pieces are 7.25 x 5).

There are six signatures with approximately 14 pages each. The papers vary, tea-dyed copy paper pages from a primary school reader, music composition paper, sheet music, old book pages, maps, accounting paper, colored vellum, envelopes, and scrapbook paper. There are plenty of pockets, tags, and tuck spots. For the most part, it is complete but you never know. I might come across something that finds its home in this book, after all, it is a pack rat journal.