In the morning we had a fun messy time doing Gelli prints with our small 3x5 Gelli Plates.
Gelli print using a real leaf.

Foam stamp printed over a Gelli plate print.
In the afternoon, Jane demonstrated using freezer paper to cut stencils and mask to use on the Gelli
I stayed in the Frank Waters room, #4 in Juniper house. On the wall was a quote by frank Waters.
Life is a Great White Stone
Entiende, Muchacha? I will say it again for you simple ears.
Life is a great white stone. You, a child, stare at it and see only one side. you walk slowly around it. You see other sides, each different in shape and pattern, rough or smooth. You are confused you forge that it is the same great white stone. Gut finally you have walked all around it, stare at all of it at once from the hillside above. Verdad! Now you see it: how it has many different sides and shapes and patterns, some smooth, some rough, but still the one great white stone: how all these sides merge into one another in distinguishable: the past into the present, the present into the future, the future again into the past. Hold! They are all the same. With wisdom who knows one from the other? There is no time, which is but an illusion for imperfect eyes. There is only the complete, rounded moment,which contains all.
––Frank Waters
People of the Valley