Had a great time even though I had altitude sickness the entire time. On Sunday morning, I left home at 5:00 am, flew to Atlanta GA. then flew on later to Albuquerque NM. Rented my car, picked up Mary Ellen and drove 137 miles to Taos (a total of 13 hrs of travel). Shortly after arriving we had a welcome party. Nice snacks and a wonderful goody bags (Apron, cloth goody bag, name tag, lavender soap, lavender lip salve, Moleskine notebook, and charms for our books). Jane LaFazio briefed us on the plans for the upcoming week.
We stayed at the Mabel Dodge Luhan Historical Inn. Each day we had a wonderful vegan breakfast and lunch. Monday night, as we did several of the evening, had a "happy hour" of snacks and wine. Some of the ladies spent extra time in the studio each night. Their wonderful books show the results.
above photo from the Mabel Dodge Luhan Historical Inn brochure
Great having you at LavenderSage Art Retreat, Chris! And (I'm so very sorry you had altitude sickness, I didn't know...)