Sunday, January 1, 2017

End of the Year 2016

Here are my 2016 completed journals. There are only 7 in this stack. I have one general sketching that still have some blank pages in it and my on going journals for acrylics, lettering, book binding, and oriental brush painting. Last year's stack was more impressive. Anyway here they are bottom to top, left to right, The Lady and the Unicorn (a general sketching journal that I rebound with an assortment of print making paper in 2012); My International Fake Journal Month Journal, Shift in Place; Acrylics notes and sketches for paintings fall 2013 to May 2016; my Taos journal I bound and used for the LavenderSage art Retreat 28 August to 4 September; Polishing a Sketchbook Skool klass October - November 2016; Nesting, a book I rebound with watercolor paper in August 2012 and sketched birds in from July 2015 to December 2016; and finally my sketchbook for the Sketching Now Buildings, an online class by Liz Steel, Oct-Dec 2016. Seems like I should have more but if I do I don't know where I would have hid them. Hopefully I will sketch more next year.

Here is my finished painting count.
Watercolors: 5
Oriental Brush Paintings: 8

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You had a great year creating. It's always interesting to me to see how the year "stacks" up with regard to how much I actually created vs. how much I *think* I created. Happy New Year!
