Friday, April 23, 2021

Art Nouveau Madonna

I did the sketch for this little gouache painting in my Moleskine 5x8 sketchbook weeks ago. Today I finally took the time to finish painting an collage. It is another in my art nouveau series which is based on Gustav Klimt's Hope II. My purpose in studying and the artists from this period is to take ideas and techniques of these artists and add what I really like to my own work. The background is gold acrylic; the clothing is pieces of my gel plate prints cut up and collage onto the figure; the face and hair are painted in gouache. The hand was much better until I started fiddling with it to make it better but who hasn't destroyed something trying to fix it? Still, I relearned something I have known for years––always mix up more paint than you think you would ever use. Not sure if I am ready to move on to a new project yet are just move this series to the back burner for a bit.


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